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Do you believe in God?

Yup, I just went THERE. Inside Voice: Jenn, you are NEVER to talk about religion or politics…what are you doing?! It's true, I have friends I don’t even ask this question to. So why on earth am I asking all of you if you believe in God?

Honestly, I don’t need to know as it’s none of my business. I just want you to ask yourself this question. And feel free to replace God with ‘a higher power’ or ‘the power of the universe’.

If I’m bold enough to be asking you, I might as well answer it myself.

Yes, I believe in God and I also believe in the power of the universe. I won’t bother you with the details as my beliefs expand and evolve daily.

I want to talk about how this translates into my business specifically and how it can translate into yours, whether you own your own company or work for one.

Make no mistake, I’m in business to put food on our table, a roof over our heads and all of that. I expect to exchange a service for money. But…I believe that the more positive energy I put out into the world, the more I’ll receive in return and the more grateful and blessed I’ll feel.

I’m not interested in a simple transaction. I live to deliver value and build relationships.

Here’s how:

  • I love on people’s social media posts and celebrate their wins.

  • I share other people’s content and recommend their businesses.

  • I offer to edit a colleague's blog post or review their resume.

  • I check in on past clients just to say, ‘hey, how are you?’

  • If I come across an article I think others will find value in, I share it.

And I expect nothing in return. It makes me feel good.

No, I’m not looking for a pat on the back. What I AM looking to do is share value.

When you adopt a service mindset, here’s what happens:

  • People love on your posts and celebrate your wins.

  • People recommend your business.

  • People offer you free help and advice.

  • People check in on you.

These may not even be the same people you served. Spoiler alert: Often times, they aren’t.

Heck, even if you don’t believe in God or the universe, you can simply believe that what goes around, comes around. Good ole’ karma.

If you’re not leading with a service mindset, why not?

...“I don’t have time to scroll social media.”

...“Free work doesn’t pay my bills.”

...“I have enough going on to worry about old clients.”

All valid of course.

But why not block off a few mins each week to GIVE a little of what makes you awesome at what you do?

  • Write a glowing Google review for a small business.

  • Make an introduction.

  • Compliment someone on your team for a job well done.

  • Invest 30 mins on helping someone solve a business problem.

It feels good, trust me. And it WILL come back to you in magical ways. Trust me.

Thank you for coming to my Jenn Talk…ha!

“There is no greater power in the Universe than the power of love. The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit. If you could wrap every thought in love, if you could love everything and everyone, your life would be transformed.”

Rhonda Byrne, author, The Secret

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You’ve seen the memes this past week or so, ‘This time last year was the last week everything was normal and no one knew it’.

The toilet paper hoarding.

The cancelled March Break trips.

The fear.

The shutdowns.

The family Zoom calls.

The online learning.

The lost jobs.

The economic devastation.

The death.

Those who have been fortunate enough to avoid contracting COVID-19 still haven't been able to escape the fall out. And in our strong desire to get back to normal, we all know that nothing will ever be the same...


My intention isn’t doom and gloom here. Promise.

Rather, I’d like to focus on what my biggest takeaway has been out of all of this.

What happened when time stood still

After the initial pandemic shock wore off, month of being free from the usual distractions encouraged many to turn inward. The ‘I don’t have time’ excuse evaporated and those big dreams could no longer be ignored.

I started noticing people double down. Making stuff happen.

  • Reinventing careers

  • Writing books

  • Starting that side hustle

  • Redoing websites

  • Writing a business plan

And I started getting calls. Many of them from women who were ready to go ALL IN.

And today, in honour of International Women’s Day week, I’d like to highlight one of those women.

Her name’s Jenn too and she was a referral from a dear friend.

Starting a Business During a Pandemic

Jennifer Curry works full-time supporting underserved families in our community and has certainly seen her fair share of heartache in doing so. Part of her job involved helping low income families through the painful process of divorce.

It inspired her to become a professional divorce mediator.

While working full-time, she took all the courses, passed all the tests and she was ready. Jenn would deliver online mediation services in Ontario. A cost-effective and more amicable alternative to the traditional divorce process, mediation is meant for couples committed to avoiding a messy divorce.

All she needed was a marketing consultant to bring her brand and business to life.

She chose me. And what an honour it’s been.

I was able to bring together a team of women to support her. Ursula; for Web design and development and Katherina Limo for a photo shoot.

South Simcoe Family Mediation came to life in two short months. And our #GirlTribe couldn't be happier with the end result.

While walking alongside Jenn on her journey, I found a greater calling in my work as a consultant, copywriter and content marketer.

Jenn inspired me to want to support more women just like her.

Those with the audacity to want more and the drive to go out and get it.

Though this past year has been a dumpster fire on so many levels, my purpose has risen up through the rubble.

This is my key takeaway since the last time the world was ‘normal’.


What’s yours?

Jenn (the copywriter for empowered women)

ps. Yes, boys are still allowed at iFixText ;-). But since I've embraced my passion, the universe is responding with #GirlPower and I can't stop smiling.

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January usually sees me deep in research mode. Now combine that with my daily social media diet and I’ve become hyper aware of being ‘influenced’. Do you know who’s influencing your audience?

Now you’ve likely heard the term ‘influencer’ or maybe even ‘micro influencer’ and if you’re a marketer or business owner, you might be wondering if you need these people championing your business. We’ll get to that. But first, let’s talk about who these people are.

“Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers–individuals who have a dedicated social following and are viewed as experts within their niche. Influencer marketing works because of the high amount of trust that social influencers have built up with their following, and recommendations from them serve as a form of social proof to your brand’s potential customers.” (Sprout Social)

Social Media Influencers are Everywhere

Here’s where you'll see influencers:

  • A Mommy on Instagram who shows off her baby’s OOTD (Outfit of the Day…I only learned that acronym recently!). She’ll tag the brands her baby is wearing and point out that it’s either an ad or the item has been gifted or both!

  • That YouTuber your kid watches religiously who always has a bottle of Snapple on his desk. Note: Snapple pays him for that endorsement

  • ANY Kardashian…who will either promote their own brands on their social media feeds or like Khloe, endorse Febreze (yeah, it's weird)

Each of the influencers above have one thing in common. They are monetizing their social media following; whether they’re promoting their brands or someone else’s. The amount they make depends on how large (and engaged) their following is.

80% of marketers find influencer marketing effective (Smart Insights)

Influencer marketing works and it’s growing. PR Agencies; once exclusively focused on getting media coverage, now have entire influencer marketing departments. And it’s because a company’s return on investment can be easily tracked.

"Get 10% off your first order with code: Jenn". That code gets tracked. Even without a code, brands can see where traffic to their website is coming from.

Influencer Marketing and your Small Business

So, here’s the big question: Should you add influencer marketing to your strategy?

Let's see...

First off, it all depends what you’re selling and to whom!

Online retailers should definitely consider the impact influencer marketing can have on their bottom line. Selling a line of tasty protein shakes? You might want to tap into a fitness influencer on Instagram for a partnership.

On the other hand, if you’re a law firm marketing divorce services, it might be a bit challenging to find a client who’s willing to advertise on your behalf.

Let’s say you do have a product or service that’s ripe for influencer marketing, how much will this set you back?

The cost depends on how large (and engaged) their audience is and the level (and length) of exposure you’re looking to receive. Professional social media influencers have media kits available OR agents you can negotiate with on their behalf.

Where do you find these people?

  1. Do some research: If Instagram is your channel of choice, search hashtags that relate to your business to discover the influencers in your target market. Send them a DM or have a look at their story highlights for information on how to get in touch.

  2. Hire an agency: If you don’t have the time or the interest in doing this yourself, do a quick search for local PR agencies who can look after this for you.

Influencers should be able to provide you with stats on their social media reach and engagement, testimonials from brands they’ve worked with and a contract that states their commitment (and yours).

You Already Have Influencers

Let’s say your business isn’t quite fit for a shout-out on the 'Gram'. You can still harness the power that influencers wield through good ole’ fashioned (and hyper effective!) client testimonials.

Think about how many times a day you’re influenced by friends and strangers alike.

“Hey Facebook friends, what’s the best sushi place in town?”

“I just received the best service ever from Estate Lawn Care. Tell Dino I sent ya!”

“Anyone have any recommendations on baby strollers?”

Whether it’s our friend Becky telling us we have to try the butter tarts from The Maid’s Cottage or the cute outfit we saw our favourite celebrity wearing on Instagram, we’re always giving and receiving advice on where to shop and what to buy.

88% of consumers say reviews influence their online purchasing decisions (Vendasta).

Harness those testimonials and referrals and be sure they’re splattered across your website and social channels. They’ll influence friends and strangers alike to give you a try.

Wanna talk influencer strategy?


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